Published Papers (most recent first):

18. Hughes, S.M; Hendricks, M.P.; Mullaugh, K.M.; Anderson, M.E.; Bentley, A.K.; Clar, J.G.; Daly, C. A.; Ellison, M.D.; Feng, Z. V.; Gonzalez-Pech, N.I.; Hamachi, L.S.; Heinecke, C.L.; Keene, J.D.; Maley, A.M; Munro, A.M.; Njoki, P.N.; Olshansky, J.H.; Plass, K.E.; Riley, K.R.; Sonntag, M.D.; St. Angelo, S.K.; Thompson, L.B.; Tollefson, E.J.; Toote, L.E.; Wheeler, K.E. The Primarily Undergraduate Nanomaterials Cooperative: A New Model for Supporting Collaborative Research at Small Institutions on a National Scale ACS Nanoscience Au 2021 1 (1), 6-14 

17. Harris, C. M.*; Miller, S. G.*; Andresen, K.; Thompson, L. B. Quantitative Measurement of Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate Adsorption Onto CTAB Capped Gold Nanoparticles Reveals Hard and Soft Coronas. J Colloid Interf Sci 2018, 510, 39–44. 

16.Thompson, L. B.; Carfagno, G. L. F.; Andresen, K.; Sitton, A. J.*; Bury, T.*; Lee, L. L.*; Lerner, K. T.*; Fong, P. P. Differential Uptake of Gold Nanoparticles by Two Species of Tadpole, the Wood Frog ( Lithobates Sylvaticus) and the Bullfrog ( Lithobates Catesbeianus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2017, 36 (12), 3351–3358.

15. Fong, P. P.; Thompson, L. B.; Carfagno, G. L. F.; Sitton, A. J.* Long-Term Exposure to Gold Nanoparticles Accelerates Larval Metamorphosis Without Affecting Mass in Wood Frogs (Lithobates Sylvaticus) at Environmentally Relevant Concentrations. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2016, 35 (9), 2304–2310.

14. Alkilany, A. M.; Caravana, A. C.*; Hamaly, M. A.; Lerner, K. T.*; Thompson, L. B. Phase Transfer of Citrate Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles Using Nonspecifically Adsorbed Polymers. J Colloid Interf Sci 2016, 461 (C), 39–44.

13.Alkilany, A. M.; Boulos, S. P.; Lohse, S. E.; Thompson, L. B.; Murphy, C. J. Homing Peptide-Conjugated Gold Nanorods: the Effect of Amino Acid Sequence Display on Nanorod Uptake and Cellular Proliferation. Bioconjugate Chem 2014, 25 (6), 1162–1171.

12.Le, A.-P.; Kang, S.; Thompson, L. B.; Rubakhin, S. S.; Sweedler, J. V.; Rogers, J. A.; Nuzzo, R. G. Quantitative Reflection Imaging of Fixed Aplysia Californica Pedal Ganglion Neurons on Nanostructured Plasmonic Crystals. J Phys Chem B 2013, 13069-13081.

11.Khnayzer, R. S.; Thompson, L. B.; Zamkov, M.; Ardo, S.; Meyer, G. J.; Murphy, C. J.; Castellano, F. N. Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production at Titania-Supported Pt Nanoclusters That Are Derived From Surface-Anchored Molecular Precursors. J Phys Chem C 2012, 116 (1), 1429–1438.

10.Hunyadi Murph, S. E.; Murphy, C. J.; Colon-Mercado, H. R.; Torres, R. D.; Heroux, K. J.; Fox, E. B.; Thompson, L. B.; Haasch, R. T. Tuning of Size and Shape of Au–Pt Nanocatalysts for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells. J Nanopart Res 2011, 13 (12), 6347–6364.

9.Alkilany, A. M.; Thompson, L. B.; Boulos, S. P.; Sisco, P. N.; Murphy, C. J. Gold Nanorods: Their Potential for Photothermal Therapeutics and Drug Delivery, Tempered by the Complexity of Their Biological Interactions. Adv Drug Deliver Rev 2011, 64 (2), 190–199.

8.Murphy, C. J.; Thompson, L. B.; Chernak, D. J.; Yang, J. A.; Sivapalan, S. T.; Boulos, S. P.; Huang, J.; Alkilany, A. M.; Sisco, P. N. Gold Nanorod Crystal Growth: From Seed-Mediated Synthesis to Nanoscale Sculpting. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 2011, 16 (2), 128–134.

7.Alkilany, A. M.; Thompson, L. B.; Murphy, C. J. Polyelectrolyte Coating Provides a Facile Route to Suspend Gold Nanorods in Polar Organic Solvents and Hydrophobic Polymers. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2010, 2 (12), 3417–3421.

6.Thompson, L. B.; Mack, N. H.; Nuzzo, R. G. Bifunctional Polyacrylamide Based Polymers for the Specific Binding of Hexahistidine Tagged Proteins on Gold Surfaces. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2010, 12 (17), 4301–4308.

5.Murphy, C. J.; Thompson, L. B.; Alkilany, A. M.; Sisco, P. N.; Boulos, S. P.; Sivapalan, S. T.; Yang, J. A.; Chernak, D. J.; Huang, J. The Many Faces of Gold Nanorods. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1 (19), 2867–2875.

4.Stewart, M. E.; Anderton, C. R.; Thompson, L. B.; Maria, J.; Gray, S. K.; Rogers, J. A.; Nuzzo, R. G. Nanostructured Plasmonic Sensors. Chem. Rev. 2008, 108 (2), 494–521.

3.Jo, K.; Heien, M. L.; Thompson, L. B.; Zhong, M.; Nuzzo, R. G.; Sweedler, J. V. Mass Spectrometric Imaging of Peptide Release From Neuronal Cells Within Microfluidic Devices. Lab Chip 2007, 7 (11), 1454–1460.

2.Stewart, M. E.; Motala, M. J.; Yao, J.; Thompson, L. B.; Nuzzo, R. G. Unconventional Methods for Forming Nanopatterns. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems 2007, 220 (3), 81–138.

1.Thompson, L.*; Lee, J. G.; Maksymovych, P.; Ahner, J.; Yates, J. T., Jr. Construction and Performance of an Ultrahigh Vacuum-Compatible High Temperature Vapor Dosing System for Low Vapor Pressure Compounds. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 2003, 21, 491.

*indicates undergraduate student